/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa; public class NSWindow extends NSResponder { public NSWindow() { super(); } public NSWindow(long /*int*/ id) { super(id); } public NSWindow(id id) { super(id); } public void addChildWindow(NSWindow childWin, long /*int*/ place) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_addChildWindow_ordered_, childWin != null ? childWin.id : 0, place); } public double /*float*/ alphaValue() { return (double /*float*/)OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id, OS.sel_alphaValue); } public boolean areCursorRectsEnabled() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_areCursorRectsEnabled); } public void becomeKeyWindow() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_becomeKeyWindow); } public boolean canBecomeKeyWindow() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_canBecomeKeyWindow); } public NSPoint cascadeTopLeftFromPoint(NSPoint topLeftPoint) { NSPoint result = new NSPoint(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_cascadeTopLeftFromPoint_, topLeftPoint); return result; } public void close() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_close); } public long /*int*/ collectionBehavior() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_collectionBehavior); } public NSView contentView() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_contentView); return result != 0 ? new NSView(result) : null; } public NSPoint convertBaseToScreen(NSPoint aPoint) { NSPoint result = new NSPoint(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_convertBaseToScreen_, aPoint); return result; } public NSPoint convertScreenToBase(NSPoint aPoint) { NSPoint result = new NSPoint(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_convertScreenToBase_, aPoint); return result; } public NSButtonCell defaultButtonCell() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_defaultButtonCell); return result != 0 ? new NSButtonCell(result) : null; } public id delegate() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_delegate); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public void deminiaturize(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_deminiaturize_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void disableCursorRects() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_disableCursorRects); } public void disableFlushWindow() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_disableFlushWindow); } public void display() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_display); } public void enableCursorRects() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_enableCursorRects); } public void enableFlushWindow() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_enableFlushWindow); } public void endEditingFor(id anObject) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_endEditingFor_, anObject != null ? anObject.id : 0); } public NSText fieldEditor(boolean createFlag, id anObject) { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_fieldEditor_forObject_, createFlag, anObject != null ? anObject.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new NSText(result) : null; } public NSResponder firstResponder() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_firstResponder); return result != 0 ? new NSResponder(result) : null; } public void flushWindowIfNeeded() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_flushWindowIfNeeded); } public NSRect frame() { NSRect result = new NSRect(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_frame); return result; } public NSRect frameRectForContentRect(NSRect contentRect) { NSRect result = new NSRect(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_frameRectForContentRect_, contentRect); return result; } public NSGraphicsContext graphicsContext() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_graphicsContext); return result != 0 ? new NSGraphicsContext(result) : null; } public boolean hasShadow() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_hasShadow); } public NSWindow initWithContentRect(NSRect contentRect, long /*int*/ aStyle, long /*int*/ bufferingType, boolean flag) { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_, contentRect, aStyle, bufferingType, flag); return result == this.id ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSWindow(result) : null); } public NSWindow initWithContentRect(NSRect contentRect, long /*int*/ aStyle, long /*int*/ bufferingType, boolean flag, NSScreen screen) { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_screen_, contentRect, aStyle, bufferingType, flag, screen != null ? screen.id : 0); return result == this.id ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSWindow(result) : null); } public void invalidateShadow() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_invalidateShadow); } public boolean isDocumentEdited() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isDocumentEdited); } public boolean isKeyWindow() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isKeyWindow); } public boolean isMainWindow() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isMainWindow); } public boolean isMiniaturized() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isMiniaturized); } public boolean isSheet() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isSheet); } public boolean isVisible() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isVisible); } public boolean isZoomed() { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_isZoomed); } public long /*int*/ level() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_level); } public boolean makeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(this.id, OS.sel_makeFirstResponder_, aResponder != null ? aResponder.id : 0); } public void makeKeyAndOrderFront(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeKeyAndOrderFront_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public static double /*float*/ minFrameWidthWithTitle(NSString aTitle, long /*int*/ aStyle) { return (double /*float*/)OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(OS.class_NSWindow, OS.sel_minFrameWidthWithTitle_styleMask_, aTitle != null ? aTitle.id : 0, aStyle); } public NSSize minSize() { NSSize result = new NSSize(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_minSize); return result; } public void miniaturize(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_miniaturize_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public NSPoint mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream() { NSPoint result = new NSPoint(); OS.objc_msgSend_stret(result, this.id, OS.sel_mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream); return result; } public void orderBack(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_orderBack_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void orderFront(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_orderFront_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void orderFrontRegardless() { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_orderFrontRegardless); } public void orderOut(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_orderOut_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void orderWindow(long /*int*/ place, long /*int*/ otherWin) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_orderWindow_relativeTo_, place, otherWin); } public NSWindow parentWindow() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_parentWindow); return result == this.id ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSWindow(result) : null); } public void removeChildWindow(NSWindow childWin) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_removeChildWindow_, childWin != null ? childWin.id : 0); } public NSScreen screen() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_screen); return result != 0 ? new NSScreen(result) : null; } public void sendEvent(NSEvent theEvent) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_sendEvent_, theEvent != null ? theEvent.id : 0); } public void setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents(boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents_, flag); } public void setAlphaValue(double /*float*/ windowAlpha) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setAlphaValue_, windowAlpha); } public void setBackgroundColor(NSColor color) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setBackgroundColor_, color != null ? color.id : 0); } public void setCollectionBehavior(long /*int*/ behavior) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setCollectionBehavior_, behavior); } public void setContentView(NSView aView) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setContentView_, aView != null ? aView.id : 0); } public void setDefaultButtonCell(NSButtonCell defButt) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setDefaultButtonCell_, defButt != null ? defButt.id : 0); } public void setDelegate(id anObject) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setDelegate_, anObject != null ? anObject.id : 0); } public void setDocumentEdited(boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setDocumentEdited_, flag); } public void setFrame(NSRect frameRect, boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setFrame_display_, frameRect, flag); } public void setFrame(NSRect frameRect, boolean displayFlag, boolean animateFlag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setFrame_display_animate_, frameRect, displayFlag, animateFlag); } public void setHasShadow(boolean hasShadow) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setHasShadow_, hasShadow); } public void setHidesOnDeactivate(boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setHidesOnDeactivate_, flag); } public void setLevel(long /*int*/ newLevel) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setLevel_, newLevel); } public void setMinSize(NSSize size) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setMinSize_, size); } public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setOpaque_, isOpaque); } public void setReleasedWhenClosed(boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setReleasedWhenClosed_, flag); } public void setRepresentedFilename(NSString aString) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setRepresentedFilename_, aString != null ? aString.id : 0); } public void setRepresentedURL(NSURL url) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setRepresentedURL_, url != null ? url.id : 0); } public void setShowsResizeIndicator(boolean show) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setShowsResizeIndicator_, show); } public void setShowsToolbarButton(boolean show) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setShowsToolbarButton_, show); } public void setTitle(NSString aString) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setTitle_, aString != null ? aString.id : 0); } public void setToolbar(NSToolbar toolbar) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setToolbar_, toolbar != null ? toolbar.id : 0); } public NSButton standardWindowButton(long /*int*/ b) { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_standardWindowButton_, b); return result != 0 ? new NSButton(result) : null; } public long /*int*/ styleMask() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_styleMask); } public void toggleToolbarShown(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_toggleToolbarShown_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public NSToolbar toolbar() { long /*int*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_toolbar); return result != 0 ? new NSToolbar(result) : null; } public double /*float*/ userSpaceScaleFactor() { return (double /*float*/)OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id, OS.sel_userSpaceScaleFactor); } public long /*int*/ windowNumber() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_windowNumber); } public static long /*int*/ windowNumberAtPoint(NSPoint point, long /*int*/ windowNumber) { return OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSWindow, OS.sel_windowNumberAtPoint_belowWindowWithWindowNumber_, point, windowNumber); } public long /*int*/ windowRef() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_windowRef); } public void zoom(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_zoom_, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } }